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Loja will be a head office of the event of the Network of Heriditary Cities of the Ecuador PDF Print E-mail
Written by Gaëtan Juillard   
Monday, 02 November 2009 12:10

Loja will be the head office for the achievement of the “ Workshop of Ratification of the strategic plan: programs and projects ” of the Network of Heriditary Cities of the Ecuador. At this event they will be present the Mayors of 22 heriditary cities of the Ecuador, who between other activities will take charge designating the provisional Board of the Network between the mayors assistants, likewise will realize contributions to the Law of Culture. The appointment will take place on November 6 and 7 and there for is reckoned the presence of the flaming Minister of Coordination of Patrimony.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 10 November 2009 10:25

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