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ARCANE Synchronizing Cultures and Civilizations of the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean in the Third Millennium BC.
Este sitio propone un conjunto de herramientas para base de datos de sitio, ceramica, estructuras y mucho mas.
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ETERNAL EGYPT Collection of ancient art pieces of the British Museum.
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EGIPTOLOGY FRIENDS The Kings valley, hieroglyphs, pyramids and more encyclopaedic references on the subject.
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MEDITERRANEAN ARCHAEOLOGY Webpage about archaeology of Mediterranean ancient civilizations.
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TERRA EUROPÆA Archaeology and history of Mediterranean civilisations (Spain, Rome, Greece, Carthage, Middle-East)
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EXPLORING ANCIENT WORLD CULTURES Introduction to ancient culture of all around the world.
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International Association for the Promotion and Research in Archæology The International Association for the Promotion and Research of Archaeology (AIPRA) is a French organization that was founded by professional archaeologists of all disciplines (anthropology, applied topography, geology, computer graphics, palaeography, etc) who have solid on-site experience in preventive archaeology in France as well as abroad.
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Halte au Pillage La asociación HAPPAH reúne a arqueólogos voluntarios y profesionales, actores del patrimonio, políticos, abogados y especialistas en derecho del patrimonio, ciudadanos…. En la actualidad cuenta con más de 312 miembros movilizados por una causa vital y colectiva: la lucha contra el desarrollo de la arqueología clandestina y el saqueo de yacimiento en Francia como en el mundo.
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LE MONDE PRECOLOMBIEN L'art des Amériques avant Christophe Colomb.